Daily Archives: June 16, 2020

Web skimmers have been found leaking customers credentials and credit cards on Claire’s and Icing websites Clair’s – an American retailer of accessories, jewelry, toys, and other products aimed at teen and tween girls has been attacked by an infamous hacking group dubbed as MageCart[1]. According to the security researchers […]

MageCart group hacked Claire’s and Icing websites to steal credentials

Sppextcomobjpatcher.exe is an executable file known as KMSpico used for MS Office or Windows cracking Sppextcomobjpatcher.exe (also known as AutoKMS) is an executable that some users might find running in the background on their Windows operating systems. Located in C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Windows\Setup\scriptsx64 folder, the file might seem like it is a part […]
