virus is an intrusive application that imitates to hijack web browsers virus image removal should be initiated if you see your browser like that is an aggressive browser hijacker that has been bugging users for years. Unfortunately, it proceeds of doing so by infiltrating Macs and Windows with the help of software bundling,[1] displaying fake search results, rerouting to suspicious sites, and tracking users’ anonymous information about their browsing habits. hijacks and changes settings of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, MS Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or another browser, and tries to mimic the world’s most common search engine The visual similarity is constructed for a reason – some users might not even pay attention to the changed browser settings and keep the PUP installed. However, presence on the computer might compromise users’ online safety and prompt the installation of malicious software.

Type Browser hijacker
Damage level Medium. Affects web browsers and fails to leave them when asked. Also tracks its victims, redirects to sponsored sites
Provocation methods Displays useful features, e.g. provides fast access to popular sites like Facebook, Twitter,  Instagram, and others, promises to improve search sessions
MAIN Purpose Generate profit via the per-per-click scheme
REDIRECT TENDENCIES Reroutes its victims to and other questionable domains. Can cause redirects to malware-infested websites
Elimination process Get rid of this aggressive hijacker by using the removal steps given below. Use Reimage Reimage Cleaner after that to fix virus damage, for example, corrupted system files

As soon as virus gets into the system, it can input hxxp:// value into your homepage, the default search engine, and new tab page settings and then start causing unpleasant URL redirects on your browser.[2] The PUP is programmed to redirect to vivid third-party websites, such as, or other malware-related domains.

In the beginning, only targeted Chrome and Firefox users, and now it plagues Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera browsers. Changing the settings manually turns out to be futile in battling the hijacker. What is more, the PUP exhibits certain immunity to the detection of malware detection. It tries to occupy users’, despite whether they are Chinese[3] or UK users, browsers.

Nonetheless, since has been on the Web for a while, updating your security tool might help it to identify it. Due to specifications of certain browsers, users also complained not being able to delete the hijacker. In any case, if you have been struggling with removal browser infection, check all the manual removal guide below.

The deceptive appearance of browser redirect virus typically makes victims think that it is the genuine Google start page. At the moment, it offers links to Gmail, Facebook, YouTube, and other popular social networks, and, if you click the menu in its top-right corner, you can find other popular services. However, searching with the help of is not recommended as its search results can be filled with sponsored links to third party websites.

Launchpage virus
Researcher shows how site looks like. It looks almost identical to Google Chrome default homepage.

As we mentioned earlier, the appearance of the bogus search site can trick Chrome people into using it, thinking that it is a safe-to-use search tool. Unfortunately, this mistake can lead to many problems. If you found this potentially unwanted application[4] on your web browser, you should waste no time and remove

So how removal process works? We highly recommend installing SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner or other anti-malware/anti-spyware tool which is considered reliable to get rid of browser helper objects[5] and similar components traveling together with this hijacker. Additionally, use Reimage Reimage Cleaner to fix the potential damage caused by the virus as it can alter system files and registry entries according to its needs. might be related to other PUPs

According to the latest research data, this potentially unwanted program might be related to,,, and similar browser hijackers. Thus, it might be hard to remove all suspicious entries manually. If you prefer manual elimination option, please follow our prepared step-by-step guide carefully. 

The main purpose of the browser hijackers is to generate revenue for the developers. Indeed, is free to use; thus, developers need another source of income and they choose online advertising.[6]

The so-called Launchpage virus might alter search results and replace organic links with sponsored ones. In this way, developers of this virus trick users clicking on third-party links that appear at the top positions of the search results.

Often the owners of these websites want to increase their sales or boost traffic to their sites desperately. Meanwhile, users often need to browse through suspicious Internet sites where they might not find what they are looking for.

Besides, some redirect tendencies are worrying. Users might end up on malicious websites without realizing it. For instance, you might enter a tech support scam[7] website or visit a corrupted site where scammers try their best to get your personal information.[8] Thus, using this tool might be extremely dangerous.

What is more, this potentially unwanted application might also deliver misleading third-party ads[9] that offer to download suspicious software or warn about various computer-related issues. Be aware that these advertisements might include ransomware or other malware. Don’t risk causing yourself more problems, and remove from the machine today. redirects
When using the altered search engine, users are always presented with alternative results, and top options are always sponsored links to sites that promote Mac Keeper or other bloatware

PUP’s distribution methods similar to browser hijacker 

Developers of browser hijackers such as tend to rely on a very common infiltration method which requires bundling the potentially unwanted program with a freeware or shareware program. We believe that there are many computer users who have dealt with a suspicious search engine that appeared on their computer screen out of nowhere.

Typically, the browser hijacker is pushed into the target machines by including it into a particular software package. Therefore, hijack may have occurred when you were installing a single program and relied on Quick or Recommended setup. At this point, it was the moment you agreed to install all bundled additions. When installing freeware or shareware, no one tells you whether it’s a software bundle or not. You need to find out this information yourself.

The only way to do it is to choose Custom/Advanced settings. Then, you need slowly and carefully follow each installation step and look for the list of pre-selected third-party apps. You might also find a statement where you agree to make Launch Page or another unknown search provider as your default homepage and search engine.

It goes without saying that you must disagree with these agreements and reject all offers to install unknown browser extensions, rogue antivirus or PC optimization tools. They are barely useful and in most cases cause you problems. To prevent unnecessary problems, deselect these entries and protect your computer from PUPs.

UPDATE June, 2017. After the virtual community had found out about the deceptive operations of one Chinese company that infected over 250 million computers with Fireball malware[10], 2-Spyware experts started hesitating whether isn’t related to the same malware as well.

It may be true, especially when one of the main browser hijackers associated with the indicated malware are, or Although the relation between Fireball and LaunchPage isn’t officially confirmed, we highly recommend you to take all actions to prevent further damage and scan your PC with a powerful anti-malware application. browser hijacker

Instructions on how to remove from Firefox

If you can’t remove virus from Firefox, you need to check if you completed all of the provided steps attentively. Here is a shortened list of what you need to do to get rid of Launchpage hijacker from Firefox:

  1. Check programs installed on the system and uninstall all suspicious ones;
  2. Open Firefox and access its Add-ons list. Here, you need to look through the list of installed browser add-ons and remove everything related to Launch Page virus.
  3. Clean browser shortcuts by erasing suspicious URLs added to the Target field. You can find this setting by right-clicking the shortcut and going to Properties > Shortcut.
  4. Check Windows Registry for modified keys that help to launch the annoying search site in Firefox browser.
  5. Check your LAN settings to see if the hijacker has altered them.
  6. Scan your computer with anti-spyware or anti-malware to complete Firefox removal.

Typically, users can’t remove the hijacker because they skip the fourth step. To check your Windows Registry for keys related to the browser hijacker, do the following:

  • Press down Windows key + R. In the Run window, type regedit and press Enter.
  • Now, Go to Edit>Find… and type or just launchpage in the search box.
  • Search the registry for associated keys and delete them when found.

Instructions for Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer users are very similar. Besides, we provided some extra tips for Windows and Mac users. You can find all of them below the article.

Browser reset helps to get rid of entirely

You have two options to initiate removal. If this suspicious search engine hijacked your web browser, you shouldn’t hesitate because it is a dangerous program to keep. We hope that you are not planning to let this hijacker stay on your computer because, obviously, such option can cause infiltration of serious malware, so it is not recommended.

For Launchpage removal, we recommend scanning the computer with a reputable anti-malware program. This method assures that all potentially dangerous entries are eliminated from the system. Additionally, you can get rid of this cyber parasite manually by following our prepared instructions at the end of this article.

Launchpage Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Question. search engine became my default one. I tried to switch it back to Google; though, it did not work. How can I get rid of it?

Answer. This page has already become your default search engine because your browser has been hijacked. This browser hijacker might append arguments to various shortcuts and install helper objects to prevent users from settings their preferred search engine or start page address. Though, you should not use this search engine. Instead of that, you need to perform hijackers removal. You can find instructions how to do it below.

Question. My computer was infected with this virus, and now I cannot browse the web normally. I cannot set Google as my default search engine; I am often redirected to questionable websites and see many online ads. Could you help me to get rid of these issues?

Answer. Getting rid of these problems is possible. All you need to do is to remove this virus. Meanwhile, you need to be extremely careful when browsing the web. Avoid searching for information using this tool, immediately leave websites where you have been redirected and stay away from these ads.

After clicking them, you might end up the infected sites or install malware. In order to remove the virus, we recommend scanning the computer with updated anti-malware program. It might be hard to detect all virus-related components and delete them from the system. Of course, you can try to do it manually, but please be careful and follow our prepared instructions.

Question. I’ve tried deleting from the Google Chrome. However, when I reboot my computer, it still shows up on my browser. How can I remove it entirely?

Answer. Deleting this URL and setting your preferred one is not enough to get rid of the browser hijacker entirely. You will find full removal guidelines below. Please follow them carefully.

Question. I installed PDF converter, and I was asked to make this search engine my default search site. I thought I would be able to switch to my regular search engine. Though, I was wrong. Now, I see not only this search engine but many suspicious alerts that my computer needs to be scanned for viruses. What should I do about them?

Answer. When installing new programs, you should be more careful and do not agree to set any unknown search engine as your default one. What is more, you should also opt out all third-party applications that are offered to download as well. These additional programs are browser hijackers, adware and other potentially unwanted programs that should not be installed on the PC.

These programs might alter browser’s settings and deliver misleading ads like the ones you have mentioned. Do not trust them and avoid clicking them. They might be malicious and offer to download bogus software.

Therefore, now you need to remove from the computer. We suggest scanning the computer with reputable anti-spyware. Scroll down to the detailed removal instructions.

Question. My computer is infected with virus. I am not sure what I am supposed to do now… Please help.

Answer. We want to point out that this search engine is a potentially unwanted program and a browser hijacker. Thus, there’s no need to freak out; it cannot harm your computer’s system, steal personal data or encrypt files. However, it might increase the chances to encounter cyber infections that are capable of that.

Hence, you need to remove this parasite from the computer immediately. The quickest and safest removal method is system scan with professional security software. Detailed explanation how to eliminate this potentially unwanted program is presented below.

You may remove virus damage with a help of Reimage Reimage Cleaner . SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner and Malwarebytes are recommended to detect potentially unwanted programs and viruses with all their files and registry entries that are related to them.

Reimage Reimage Cleaner has a free limited scanner. Reimage Reimage Cleaner offers more through scan when you purchase its full version. When free scanner detects issues, you can fix them using free manual repairs or you can decide to purchase the full version in order to fix them automatically.

Erase from Windows systems

Follow the instructions provided here and delete programs associated with this hijacker from your PC. According to the latest news, this virus can be related to,,, and similar browser hijackers. It goes without saying that you should uninstall these suspicious applications.

IMPORTANT. Do not skip the step where you need to fix compromised browser shortcuts. You must delete hxxp:// from the Target field for absolute removal of this virtual threat. Don’t forget to save changes! Additional thing that you must do is to ensure that your browser doesn’t use automatic configuration script.

  1. According to the latest reports, computer users should also configure proxy settings because this malicious hijacker tends to corrupt them. To do this, open Control Panel, then go to Network and Internet, then to Internet Options.
  2. Here, go to Connections and open LAN settings. MAKE SURE that “Automatically detect settings” is selected. If the other two fields are filled with suspicious URLs, delete them!
  3. Finally, click OK to save.

Additional method: Check Windows Registry

The hijacker may have added some keys to Windows Registry to set the annoying as the default start page in all web browsers. To find and delete these keys, follow these steps:

  1. Press Windows key + R at the same time.
  2. Type regedit and press Enter.
  3. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Windows>Current version>Internet Settings. Here, find AutoConfigURL key. Delete it.
  4. Go to Edit>Find… and search for
  5. Delete detected keys.
  1. Click Start Control Panel Programs and Features (if you are Windows XP user, click on Add/Remove Programs). Click 'Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features’ (if you are ‘Windows XP’ user, click on ‘Add/Remove Programs’).” title=”Click ‘Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features’ (if you are ‘Windows XP’ user, click on ‘Add/Remove Programs’).”></li>
<li>If you are <span class=Windows 10 / Windows 8 user, then right-click in the lower left corner of the screen. Once Quick Access Menu shows up, select Control Panel and Uninstall a Program. If you are 'Windows 10 / Windows 8' user, then right-click in the lower left corner of the screen. Once 'Quick Access Menu' shows up, select 'Control Panel' and 'Uninstall a Program'.
  2. Uninstall and related programs
    Here, look for or any other recently installed suspicious programs.
  3. Uninstall them and click OK to save these changes. Right click on each of suspicious entries and select 'Uninstall'
  4. Remove from Windows shortcuts
    Right click on the shortcut of Mozilla Firefox and select Properties. Right click on browsers' icon and select 'Properties'
  5. Go to Shortcut tab and look at the Target field. Delete malicious URL that is related to your virus. Select 'Shortcut' tab and delete '' or other suspicious URL

Repeat steps that are given above with all browsers’ shortcuts, including Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. Make sure you check all locations of these shortcuts, including Desktop, Start Menu and taskbar.

Remove from Mac OS X system

This browser hijacker can hardly affect Mac OS X. However, if you have experienced hijack, please follow the instructions to get rid of it.

  1. If you are using OS X, click Go button at the top left of the screen and select Applications. Cick 'Go' and select 'Applications'
  2. Wait until you see Applications folder and look for or any other suspicious programs on it. Now right click on every of such entries and select Move to Trash. Click on every malicious entry and select 'Move to Trash'

Delete from Internet Explorer (IE)

After IE hijack, you might have various problems related to this browser. We highly recommend resetting it with the help of these instructions:

  1. Remove dangerous add-ons
    Open Internet Explorer, click on the Gear icon (IE menu) on the top right corner of the browser and choose Manage Add-ons. Click on menu icon and select 'Manage add-ons'
  2. You will see a Manage Add-ons window. Here, look for and other suspicious plugins. Disable these entries by clicking Disable: Right click on each of malicious entries and select 'Disable'
  3. Change your homepage if it was altered by virus:
    Click on the gear icon (menu) on the top right corner of the browser and select Internet Options. Stay in General tab.
  4. Here, remove malicious URL and enter preferable domain name. Click Apply to save changes. Delete malicious URL, enter your desired domain name and click 'Apply' to save changes
  5. Reset Internet Explorer
    Click on the gear icon (menu) again and select Internet options. Go to Advanced tab.
  6. Here, select Reset.
  7. When in the new window, check Delete personal settings and select Reset again to complete removal. Go to 'Advanced' tab and click on 'Reset' button. Now select 'Delete personal settings' and click on 'Reset' button again

Eliminate virus from Microsoft Edge

Follow the instructions to reset Microsoft Edge after the hijack. The virus might have installed questionable entries without asking your permission. Thus, you need to delete these entries.

Reset Microsoft Edge settings (Method 1):

  1. Launch Microsoft Edge app and click More (three dots at the top right corner of the screen).
  2. Click Settings to open more options.
  3. Once Settings window shows up, click Choose what to clear button under Clear browsing data option. Go to Settings and select 'Choose what to clear'
  4. Here, select all what you want to remove and click Clear. Select 'Clear' button
  5. Now you should right-click on the Start button (Windows logo). Here, select Task Manager. Open the start menu and select 'Task Manager'
  6. When in Processes tab, search for Microsoft Edge.
  7. Right-click on it and choose Go to details option. If can’t see Go to details option, click More details and repeat previous steps. Right-click 'Microsoft Edge' and select 'Go to details'Select 'More details' if 'Go to details' option fails to show up
  8. When Details tab shows up, find every entry with Microsoft Edge name in it. Right click on each of them and select End Task to end these entries. Find Microsoft Edge entries and select 'End Task'

Resetting Microsoft Edge browser (Method 2):

If Method 1 failed to help you, you need to use an advanced Edge reset method.

  1. Note: you need to backup your data before using this method.
  2. Find this folder on your computer: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe.
  3. Select every entry which is saved on it and right click with your mouse. Then Delete option. Go to Microsoft Edge folder on your computer, right-click every entry and click 'Delete'
  4. Click the Start button (Windows logo) and type in window power in Search my stuff line.
  5. Right-click the Windows PowerShell entry and choose Run as administrator. Find Windows PowerShell, right-click it and select 'Run as administrator'
  6. Once Administrator: Windows PowerShell window shows up, paste this command line after PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> and press Enter:

    Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml -Verbose}

    Copy and paste a required command and press 'Enter'

Once these steps are finished, should be removed from your Microsoft Edge browser.

Uninstall from Mozilla Firefox (FF)

To remove Launchpage from Firefox, check the list of Firefox Extensions. Here, look for the unknown entries. If you find some extensions, plugins or add-ons installed to the Mozilla, uninstall them immediately. These third-party apps might be responsible for delivering an excessive amount of ads, tracking data or protecting this hijacker.

  1. Remove dangerous extensions
    Open Mozilla Firefox, click on the menu icon (top right corner) and select Add-ons Extensions. Click on menu icon and select 'Add-ons'
  2. Here, select and other questionable plugins. Click Remove to delete these entries. Select 'Extensions' and look for malicious entries. Click 'Remove' to get rid of each of them
  3. Change your homepage if it was altered by virus:
    Click on the menu (top right corner), choose Options General.
  4. Here, delete malicious URL and enter preferable website or click Restore to default.
  5. Click OK to save these changes. When in 'General' tab, delete malicious URL from 'Home Page' section or click on 'Restore to Default' button. Click 'OK' to save changes
  6. Reset Mozilla Firefox
    Click on the Firefox menu on the top left and click on the question mark. Here, choose Troubleshooting Information. Click on menu icon and then on '?'. Select 'Troubleshooting Information'
  7. Now you will see Reset Firefox to its default state message with Reset Firefox button. Click this button for several times and complete removal. Click on 'Reset Firefox' button for a couple of times

Get rid of from Google Chrome

Open Chrome, access Settings and go to Extensions tab. If you can’t find this panel, follow instructions with pictures below and you will definitely find it. Remove suspicious extensions, including,,,, etc. from here. You can also reset Chrome.

  1. Delete malicious plugins
    Open Google Chrome, click on the menu icon (top right corner) and select Tools Extensions. Click on menu icon. Select 'Tools' and 'Extensions'
  2. Here, select and other malicious plugins and select trash icon to delete these entries. Look for malicious entries and delete each of them by clicking on the Trash bin icon
  3. Change your homepage and default search engine if it was altered by your virus
    Click on menu icon and choose Settings.
  4. Here, look for the Open a specific page or set of pages under On startup option and click on Set pages. After clicking on menu and 'Settings', select 'Set pages'
  5. Now you should see another window. Here, delete malicious search sites and enter the one that you want to use as your homepage. Click 'X' to remove malicious URLs
  6. Click on menu icon again and choose Settings Manage Search engines under the Search section. When in 'Settings', select 'Manage search engines...'
  7. When in Search Engines…, remove malicious search sites. You should leave only Google or your preferred domain name. Click 'X' to remove malicious URLs
  8. Reset Google Chrome
    Click on menu icon on the top right of your Google Chrome and select Settings.
  9. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on Reset browser settings. When in 'Settings', scroll down to 'Reset browser settings' button and click on it
  10. Click Reset to confirm this action and complete removal. Click on 'Reset' button to complete your removal

Erase from Safari

Please, follow these steps to reset Safari after the hijack.

  1. Remove dangerous extensions
    Open Safari web browser and click on Safari in menu at the top left of the screen. Once you do this, select Preferences. Click on 'Safari' and select 'Preferences'
  2. Here, select Extensions and look for or other suspicious entries. Click on the Uninstall button to get rid each of them. Go to 'Extensions' and uninstall malicious add-ons
  3. Change your homepage if it was altered by virus:
    Open your Safari web browser and click on Safari in menu section. Here, select Preferences as it was displayed previously and select General.
  4. Here, look at the Homepage field. If it was altered by, remove unwanted link and enter the one that you want to use for your searches. Remember to include the “http://” before typing in the address of the page. When in 'General', delete malicious URL and enter your desired domain name
  5. Reset Safari
    Open Safari browser and click on Safari in menu section at the top left of the screen. Here, select Reset Safari…. Click on 'Safari' and select 'Reset Safari...'
  6. Now you will see a detailed dialog window filled with reset options. All of those options are usually checked, but you can specify which of them you want to reset. Click the Reset button to complete removal process. Select all options and click on 'Reset' button