Amazon Gift Card scam

Amazon Gift Card scam is a fraud which delivers offers that are too good to be true

Image of Amazon Gift Card virus
Amazon Gift Card fraud offers $1000 gift card or other non-existent and expensive prizes.

Image of Amazon Gift Card virus
Amazon Gift Card fraud offers $1000 gift card or other non-existent and expensive prizes.

Amazon Gift Card scam is a deceptive pop-up which promises non-existent prizes. Usually, people receive suggestions to complete surveys, watch video ads, or install questionable programs. In return, they are promised to be included in the contest where they can win a free $1000 Amazon Gift Card or other expensive prizes, e.g. iPhones, iPads, Samsung smartphones. [1] Unfortunately, alternatively known as Amarktflow, Amazon Gift Card Scam is merely a trick to obtain personal data of the victim or lure into installing less than reliable software. Note, that this is a scam which should never be trusted. If you are seeing pop ups related to this giveaway, you should make sure that your system is not infected with adware.

Name Amazon Gift Card scam
Type Scam
Danger level High. Has been appearing on different websites for several months
Affected OS Windows, iOS, MacOS
Distribution methods The fake pop up is caused by adware
Symptoms Redirects and pop-ups asking to fill the survey in order to win Amazon gift card, iPhone, Samsung phones or other goods
Main dangers Might trick into installing suspicious programs or revealing personal information
To uninstall adware which is used to promote such scams, install Reimage Reimage Cleaner Intego and run a full system scan.

So-called Amazon Gift Card virus typically spreads with the help of adware[2] programs which can be installed in software bundle silently. After the hijack, the ad-supported application might replace alter browser’s settings and trigger redirects to the scam website. To convince their victims, scammers have also started using Amazonaws to host their misleading data.

Users can also be redirected to Amazon Gift Card scam site when visiting high-risk websites, such as gaming, gambling or pornographic. Such websites are the main source of cyber threats, so clicking some buttons or links on these sites might redirect to fraudulent websites.

Amazon Gift Card survey scam example

Amazon Gift Card survey scam example

Security researchers detected several versions of Amazon Gift Card virus. One of the first ones is known as Amazon Assistant virus. Nevertheless, time goes by and such scams go further. Scammers hiding behind the latest malvertising campaign are asking to take some action in order to claim the prize. Currently, known scams are asking to:

  • choose one of several treasure chests to select a prize;
  • claim the “reward”;
  • fill in a survey;
  • confirm that all personal information (e.g., email address) is accurate
  • watch YouTube videos;
  • install suspicious add-ons.

Authors of Amazon Gift Card scam might generate revenue from filled surveys, installed programs or browser extensions or video views. Undoubtedly, these websites that claim about winning the lottery are fake. They might be used for spreading malware, spyware or swindling sensitive information. Therefore, you should not be tricked by any similar message that might appear on your browser’s screen:

Congratulations! User!
Every Monday We select 10 lucky users randomly to receive a gift from our sponsors. This gif is ONLY for users in United States! This is our way of thanking you for your constantly support for our products and services.

You can choose a $1000 Amazon Gift Card, Apple iPhone X 256G or Samsung Galaxy S8.

All you need to do is to answer the following 3 questions to begin. Good luck!

Note: ACT NOW! 8 users have received this invitation and there are only a few rewards available.

You have 1 minute XXX seconds to answer the following questions before we give the rewards to another lucky user! Good luck!

Question 1 of 3: 
Who founded Amazon?
(97% answered correctly)

Amazon scam[3] can claim about winning many other goods, including iPhones or other shop vouchers. However, you should not be tricked by such great news. Just close browser’s tab and forget about it. If website prevents from closing it, you have to force-quit the browser or restart your computer to remove Amazon Gift Card scam.

If redirects to scam website constantly appear on the browser, you should also check the computer for adware program. You can suspect the computer infection if you noticed aggressive ads, pop-ups and got redirected to other suspicious websites. In this case, you should opt for automatic Amazon Gift Card scam removal with Reimage Reimage Cleaner Intego or another anti-malware[4] program.

Examples of Amazon Gift Card scams
“Amazon Gift Card” is a scam that tricks Internet users that they won a gift from Amazon.

Examples of Amazon Gift Card scams
“Amazon Gift Card” is a scam that tricks Internet users that they won a gift from Amazon.

The time when gift card scams are the most active

Even though Amazon Gift Card fraud might be spreading though out the year, experts note that there are several days when people should be extremely cautious. Usually, scammers take advantage of global sale days when a vast of people are rushing to shop online to get great deals. 

Scam is the most active during the following days:

  • Black Friday;
  • Amazon Prime Day;
  • Cyber Monday.

Most recently, experts detected Amazon Gift Card scam spreading disguised under the name of Amazon Prime Day. This is a one-day-only sale which is designed for prime users only. As the company offers great deals, criminals take advantage and try to trick users via spam emails.

Amazon Gift Card fraud
Amazon Gift Card scam is the most active during Cyber Monday, Black Friday, or Amazon Prime Day.

Amazon Gift Card fraud
Amazon Gift Card scam is the most active during Cyber Monday, Black Friday, or Amazon Prime Day.

Most commonly, people receive invitations to click on an innocent-looking link inside the email to enter a contest and win free Amazon Gift Card during Amazon Prime Day. A vast of people fall for this scam and may end up with sensitive information leak or even financial losses. Therefore, experts recommend to be extremely cautious of scams during these days. This is the time when people act recklessly online to be the first ones with great deals. You should only trust the information obtained from the official website of the company.  

Scam websites exploit computing power to generate cryptocurrency

Cybersecurity experts report about a new scam tactic which is designed to mine cryptocurrency with the help of fake gift card sites in 2018. Victims who visit a fraudulent website are asked to enter the survey. During that time, malicious scripts are activated stealthily which are programmed to use an excessive amount of CPU for crypto-mining activities. 

The “Amazon Gift Card” scam website included a timer and users are required to wait until it reaches zero before they can fill the survey. Meanwhile, the site starts running malicious scripts to mine cryptocurrency by secretly using “the lucky visitor’s” computer’s resources. The important thing is that the countdown timer never reaches zero. It is immediately set to 59 again.

Amazon scam pages generate views on YouTube videos

There are other sites which are designed to improve rankings on YouTube videos. They are programmed to redirect victims to specific videos and promise great gifts if they watch them completely. Additionally, the pages have a timer as users are asked to wait till the countdown hits 0 and access free Amazon Gift Card. 

Amazon Gift Card scam YouTube version
Amazon Gift Card scam is helping malevolent people increase Youtube video rankings.

Amazon Gift Card scam YouTube version
Amazon Gift Card scam is helping malevolent people increase Youtube video rankings.

Meanwhile, the browser is forced to connect and watch various videos on YouTube. There are a couple of versions why this activity is used:

  • to increase subscribers;
  • to boost annual video watching time;
  • increase view count;
  • help video creators to rank higher in the YouTube search.

The list of Amazon Gift Card scams’ versions

It is evident that criminals have already developed numerous versions of scams. It might get confusing to identify and recognize them all. So, we have listed them down below to ensure that you are aware of online frauds related to this popular retailer.

$1000 Amazon Gift Card is reserved for you

Example of “$1000 Amazon Gift Card is reserved for you” virus
Amazon Gift Card scam might spread with the help of adware programs.

Example of “$1000 Amazon Gift Card is reserved for you” virus
Amazon Gift Card scam might spread with the help of adware programs.

The “$1000 Amazon Gift Card is reserved for you” pop-up is delivered by a fake website which users might encounter when they browse through insecure sites, clicks on a malicious ad or have adware installed on the computer.

The misleading website is using Amazon’s color scheme; however, it has nothing in common with a popular platform. Therefore, you should not get tricked by the exciting message the fake site delivers:

(1) $1000 Amazon Gift Card is reserved for you!
Step 1: Click the “CONTINUE” button to claim your prize.
Step 2: Enter the correct information on the next page to claim your prize.
Important: Hurry, limited quantities only.
You only have 0 minutes 0 seconds to claim your prize!
2 remaining! $1000 Amazon Gift Card

Following the instructions might lead to annoying survey websites or enter your email and phone number. The latter activity might increase your phone’s bill because you might be signed up for various premium services without your knowledge. 

“$1000 Amazon Gift Card is reserved for you” scam

Congratulations Amazon User

Image of “Congratulations Amazon User” virus
Amazon Gift Card scam has multiple different versions which are also designed for phishing purposes.

Image of “Congratulations Amazon User” virus
Amazon Gift Card scam has multiple different versions which are also designed for phishing purposes.

“Congratulations Amazon User” is one of the most popular types of Amazon scams. When users end up on a compromised website, they are asked to answer four short questions in order to obtain a free gift.

Congratulations Amazon User, you have (1) Amazon Gift reserved!
Every Thursday we choose 10 lucky users randomly from to receive 1 FREE gift from Amazon. This is our way to thank you for your continuous support for our products and services.
You can choose a PlayStation 4, $1000 Amazon Gift Card, or iPhone 7 plus.
To win all you need to do is to answer the following 4 questions.
Note: 10 randomly chosen users got this invitation and there are only a few prizes left.
You have 1 minute and 36 seconds to answer the following questions before we give the prizes to another lucky user. Good Luck!

Scammers play with people’s willingness to get some goods for free quite well. They report about only a few left prizes. Meanwhile, the provided timer counts down the time that is left to participate in a contest. However, you just have to close the browser and check the system for adware if redirects to the “Congratulations Amazon User” scam site continues.

“Congratulations Amazon User” virus

Amazon Rewards Event

Example of “Amazon Rewards Event” scam
Amazon Gift Card scam might suggest you to complete a survey to gain “great” gifts.

Example of “Amazon Rewards Event” scam
Amazon Gift Card scam might suggest you to complete a survey to gain “great” gifts.

This version of Amazon Gift Card scam is very similar to the previous ones. Creators of “Amazon Rewards Event” scam promise a “special prize” which you can choose after spinning the wheel on the bogus website.

Amazon Rewards Event
Congratulations Amazon user!
We would like to thank you for your loyalty to Amazon – so we are offering you the chance to receive a reward.
Spin the wheel to claim your special prize
Good Luck!

The lucky wheel includes such prizes, as iPhone, Samsung Galaxy smartphone or even MacBook. However, once you spin it and choose your award, you will be asked to fill the survey, install some apps or get your contact information which might lead to computer- and privacy-related issues.

“Amazon Rewards Event” scam

Adware programs help delivering fake surveys

Developers of Amazon Gift Card scam takes advantage of adware programs too. Amazon Gift Card adware might be spread in freeware or shareware bundles as an optional component. The ad-supported application can be installed unnoticed if a user opts for Quick/Standard installation settings

Differently than Advanced/Custom settings, Quick does not openly disclose about third-party apps that might be attached to the primary program. Therefore, you have to always use Advanced settings and monitor the installation process. Do not rush to click “Next” button because you have to make sure that you do not leave any pre-selected third-party entries.

Furthermore, be aware that users can be redirected to Amazon scam website while browsing on high-risk websites, such as gaming, gambling, adult-themed or similar. Additionally, the redirect might occur after clicking an infected ad. A security team from[5] to avoid visits to bogus sites, you should watch out your clicks and browse through secure sites.

Stop receiving fake offers by uninstalling Amazon Gift Card virus

If you are tired of fake surveys and intrusive messages, you should remove Amazon Gift Card right now. For that, you can choose between manual and automatic elimination procedure. Our IT professionals have prepared instructions showing how to clean your computer quickly. Find them down below.

Note: Instructions are prepared to help Windows users to fix Amazon-themed messages. If you want to fix your phone, open your web browser, go to its Settings —> Advanced —> Website data and delete the site you have been redirected to.

However, if redirects to scam site appear or you want to speed up Amazon Gift Card scam removal, you should use an anti-malware program. Obtain one of the suggested tools below or use your current antivirus (however, don’t forget to update it first!) After that, you should also reset affected web browsers.

You may remove virus damage with a help of Reimage Reimage Cleaner Intego. SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner and Malwarebytes are recommended to detect potentially unwanted programs and viruses with all their files and registry entries that are related to them.

Reimage Intego has a free limited scanner. Reimage Intego offers more through scan when you purchase its full version. When free scanner detects issues, you can fix them using free manual repairs or you can decide to purchase the full version in order to fix them automatically.